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I have been writing it for over 7 years now and still growing strong…
In recent years I have appeared in various media: television, radio and the press. Here you can find all the articles and interviews from around the web.
A series of talks about art and culture, in which I host people that interest me to talk about topics that I hope will be of interest to you too.
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“I’m delighted to receive your weekly art digest – it keeps me up to date with what’s going on in the art world and also closer to the Israeli scene.”

“I love your newsletter and have come to depend on it for a quick perusal of hot topics in art. Your newsletter gives me the ability to talk confidently and knowledgeably about what’s happening internationally.

“Love your newsletter Debby! Please always keep em coming. On behalf of all your English reading subscribers we thank you kindly for your time and efforts.”

Debby Luzia is a gallery owner, author of the book Why ‘The Mona Lisa Lost Her Smile’, an art journalist and commentator.
She often appears on radio and tv as an art & culture expert. Her lectures are dynamic informative and highly entertaining.

Debby Luzia is a gallery owner, author of the book ‘Why the Mona Lisa lost her smile’, an art journalist and commentator.
She often appears on radio and tv as an art & culture expert. Her lectures are dynamic informative and highly entertaining.Why The Mona Lisa Lost Her Smile
Readers comments on 'Why The Mona Lisa Lost Her Smile'
“Debby Luzia’s excellent book allows for a serious and professional glimpse into the backstage of the art world. As an art professor, I recommend my students to read this book as an integral part of the body of knowledge required for all intending to engage in the field of art and business.”

Dr. Ornat Lev-er
Ben Gurion University, Israel
“I wouldn’t have believed that a reference book on the subject of art could teach me and fascinate me so much. This book will update you in all areas of contemporary artistic practice. It’s written in a down-to-earth and enthusiastic tone. A must-read book for anyone already in the art world and of course for anyone considering entering it.”

Dov Hazan
Director of Tiroche auction house
“Luzia’s extensive research work gives readers a safety net of basic and essential information for understanding the art world. Few are the writers who have the talent and ability to develop the subject and bring it to the writing in such a profound and engaging way.”

shulamit Nuss
Curator - Bank Discount
“Anyone interested in art will become immersed in this fascinating, engaging journey into the world of art in the twenty-first century. Luzia’s book is a wonderful guide for the perplexed, to get acquainted with the dynamic world of art in the digital age – a world of 3D printing, selfies, ebooks and crowd sourcing. “