Why the Mona Lisa lost her smile

Why the Mona Lisa lost her smile
By Debby Luzia
Publisher: Stern Gallery
2015 :Date of publish
Number of Pages: 178
Price: 69 Shekels
An exclusive book by Debby Luzia (hebrew)
“Why the Mona Lisa lost her smile” By Debby Luzia (published by Stern Gallery) offers an accessible analysis of the contemporary art world. Luzia, a gallerist and an independent cultural researcher, explores how the interest in visual art has evolved from a narrow professional realm to a topic regularly covered by the media. How did technological advances contribute to this shift? What is the correlation between artistic value and economic value? Who are the key players in the art world today, and how do museums, galleries and artists adapt to the changing world? ”
Avner Shapira, the art supplement of Ha’aretz newspaper (Hebrew) 11.8.2015
The current interest in visual art is unprecedented: Hollywood, the ultimate seismograph for identifying trends, in now making films about artists and artwork. Artists and collectors have become celebrities, auctions are now mega-rich showcases and freshly created artworks are being snapped up for six figure sums. The global art market is rolling tens of billions of dollars a year, creating a huge media buzz.
So how did it happen? How did visual art become such an exciting news topic? How did the technological changes affecting every area of our lives contribute to this change? Many factors make it difficult to understand the “rules of the game” in the art world; It is a multi-player world characterized by unique parameters of value determination, inherent uncertainty and unique jargon that is usually elitist and inaccessible. There is a dissonance between the desire to understand, on the one hand, and the complexity of the art world on the other. This is where this book comes into the picture.
In a first book of it’s kind – “Why the Mona Lisa lost her smile” – Debby Luzia offers an accessible and readable analysis of the art world in the present age of great changes. The book is full of fascinating tips and stories that help to disperse the cloud of ambiguity surrounding this exciting world. The book discusses fascinating questions, including:
How are prices for artwork determined?
Who determines what is considered good art?
What is the relationship between artistic value and economic value?
Where Can I buy it?
Tel Aviv:
- Stern Gallery – 30 Gordon st (sold out)
- Tel Aviv Museum shop – Shaul Av.
- Israel Museum Shop – Ramat Aviv
- Book Worm – Rabin Sq.
- Book Worm – 9 Maze St.
- Books in Bazel – 32 Bazel St.
- Simple Story – 36 Shabazi St.
- The Lighthouse- 1 Levontin St.
- Robinson Books – 31 Nachalat Binyamim
- Israel Museum Shop
The book covers the following topics:
- The influence of the digital age on the art world
- Essential keywords to understand the art world
- How museums, galleries and artists are adapting to the changing world
- How the Art Market Works
- The dark side of art
- The state of art in Israel
About the author debby luzia
Debby Luzia, owner of the Stern Gallery, is also an independent cultural researcher. She wears additional hats in the art field as a lecturer and independent art correspondent. Luzia writes the popular weekly newsletter “This Week in the Art World,” which is sent to the Stern Gallery mailing and also published in Ynet. She is frequently interviewed on television and radio about different aspects of the art world.
Debby Luzia holds a bachelor’s degree in art from the Beit Berl college and a master’s degree (Cum Laude) from the Cultural Research Unit at Tel Aviv University.
Readers recommend Debby Luzia's book
“Luzia’s extensive research work gives readers a safety net of basic and essential information for understanding the art world. Few are the writers who have the talent and ability to develop the subject and bring it to the writing in such a profound and engaging way.”

shulamit Nuss
Curator - Bank Discount
“קריאת חובה לכל מי שמחפש את דרכו בתוך המולת התקשורת הסובבת את עולם האמנות העכשווית. בסגנון כתיבה תוסס וקולח מצליחה לוזיה לשלב את ניסיונה כבעלת גלריה עם תובנותיה כחוקרת תרבות לכלל מפת דרכים שכולה ידע, הבנה והיכרות בלתי אמצעית עם התחום.״

יעקב בורק
סופר וחובב אמנות
“כמי שמתעניינת באמנות עכשווית בכלל, ואוהבת אמנות ישראלית בפרט; וכמי שמעולם לא למדה אמנות בצורה שיטתית, ברצוני להמליץ בכל לב על ספרה הקריא והמחכים של דבי לוזיה, המשכילה להביא בפני הקורא ידע נרחב בניסוח בהיר ומרתק. זו הייתה לי הנאה צרופה לקרוא את הספר.”

ד"ר תמר יגנס
“I was fascinated by this book. It covers comprehensive topics that are so relevant and meaningful to those of us working in the art and museum world. Thank you again.”

Idit Amihai
מנהלת תחום אמנות פלסטית ומוזיאונים במינהל התרבות
“בעיניים סקרניות ועם מד דופק רגיש צופה דבי לוזיה סביב בעולם המתעדכן בלי הרף. הספר מעביר לקורא את “חוויית המשתמש” בעולם של שינויים מסחררים העוברים על עולם האמנות הבין-לאומי והישראלי כאחד. הקורא מוצא את עצמו מובל ביד קלילה ובטוחה בשבילי העולם העשיר, המורכב והפתייני של האמנות. הספר נוגע בתחומים הרבים שהאמנות משיקה להם,ופורט אותם לפרוטות בסבלנות ובשפה ברורה ובהירה, המזמינה את הקורא להצטרף למסע השוטטות ולהרגיש את התשוקה הזו נובעת גם אצלו.״

כרמית בלומנזון
אוצרת עצמאית
“Anyone interested in art will become immersed in this fascinating, engaging journey into the world of art in the twenty-first century. Luzia’s book is a wonderful guide for the perplexed, to get acquainted with the dynamic world of art in the digital age – a world of 3D printing, selfies, ebooks and crowd sourcing. “

Professor Mario Livio
Astrophysicist, author of The Golden Ratio, Brilliant Blunders and Why?
“I wouldn’t have believed that a reference book on the subject of art could teach me and fascinate me so much. This book will update you in all areas of contemporary artistic practice. It’s written in a down-to-earth and enthusiastic tone. A must-read book for anyone already in the art world and of course for anyone considering entering it.”

Dov Hazan
Director of Tiroche auction house
“Debby Luzia’s excellent book allows for a serious and professional glimpse into the backstage of the art world. As an art professor, I recommend my students to read this book as an integral part of the body of knowledge required for all intending to engage in the field of art and business.”